general ultrasound

Woman Ultrasound

Private Fertility Ultrasound Scans

During this scan we will be checking;

  • The endometrium (lining of the womb) for polyps and fibroids
  • The ovaries
  • Surrounding pelvic structures
  • Searching for cysts, masses or simply normal follicles


Follicle tracking is available for women who wish to conceive as well as women who are undergoing IVF treatment here or abroad. Your detailed medical report will be given to you on the same day, immediately after your appointment.


Ovarian Cancer Tests

Ovarian cancer shows a higher incidence in women of postmenopausal age. At Medstar Clinic we offer a postmenopausal ovarian cancer screening program. During the screening we will be looking for:

  • Cysts
  • Masses
  • Polyps


Should you wish to see a gynaecologist or add blood tests for cancer markers, we can help you organise this. All findings will be discussed with you on the day, with your medical report provided after the appointment. The scan is best performed with an empty bladder trans-vaginally. Please let us know if you might be allergic to latex.

Kidney Scan

Using non-invasive ultrasound scanning, we can assess the following features of the kidneys:

  • Size
  • Shape
  • Outline
  • Echogenicity (the ability to return the ultrasound echo)

These scans will help us determine and assess for any possible cysts, kidney, masses, calculi or a dilatation of the kidneys’ collecting system.

Bladder Scan

Urinary bladder tests should be done with a full bladder (please drink two pints of water 30min before the scan). When performing this scan, we will look at the bladder to find indications of:

  • Bladder Masses
  • Calculi (Stones) within the bladder


Pelvic (Transvaginal) Scan

Performed trans-abdominally with a full bladder or trans-vaginally with an empty bladder, pelvic scans are used to assess the uterus and ovaries for a wide range of pathologies including:

  • Ovarian Cysts/Masses
  • Uterine
  • Fibroids
  • Polyps

In addition, an ovarian cancer screening scan can be performed for pre or postmenopausal women. Please let us know ahead of the scan if you are allergic to latex.

Our Services

Circumcision Clinic

Screenings are tests that look for diseases before you have symptoms.

Children's Health Clinic

Screenings are tests that look for diseases before you have symptoms.

General Surgery Clinic

Screenings are tests that look for diseases before you have symptoms.

General Ultrasound

Screenings are tests that look for diseases before you have symptoms.

Cardiology Clinic

Screenings are tests that look for diseases before you have symptoms.