• Commitment to quality of care
  • Working together for patients
  • Respect and dignity
  • Compassion
  • Improving lives
  • Everyone counts


Together we will care for our patients and each other by

  • showing compassion and kindness
  • respecting and valuing individuals
  • being polite, friendly, and welcoming

Together we will make the safety of patients and staff our priority by

  • following best practice
  • listening, learning, and responding
  • being open and transparent

Together we will strive to be outstanding by

  • improving joined-up healthcare with our partners
  • encouraging innovation through teamwork
  • involving our staff, patients, and carers


  • To provide high quality, safe and professional health care services to our patients.
  • To focus on prevention of disease by promoting health and wellbeing through caring for and advising our patients.
  • To work in partnership with our patients, their families and carers towards a positive experience and understanding, involving them in decision making regarding their treatment and care.
  • To be a learning organisation with continuous improvements in service provision.
  • To treat patients as individuals and with the same respect we would wish for ourselves and our families. This will involve listening and supporting patients whom express their needs and wishes, and enabling them to maintain the maximum possible level of autonomy.
  • To treat everyone in our diverse community with dignity.
  • To adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and personal responsibility, worthy of the trust our patients place in us.
  • To provide the best quality of care, treating patients and family members with appropriate level of sensitivity and empathy.
  • To provide our patients with transparent and integrated healthcare services at a standardized level of quality with the support of the clinical pathways, guidance, and algorithms.
  • To work in partnership with other organisations to tackle the causes of, as well as provide the treatment for, ill health and where appropriate involve other relevant professionals in the care of our patients.
  • To encourage our patients to talk to us, participate in surveys, and to provide feedback on our services.
  • To ensure all staff have the competency and motivation to deliver the required standards of care by guaranteeing that they have the right skills and training to carry out their duties.
  • To value contributions of all whilst blending the skills of individuals in unsurpassed collaboration.
  • To deliver the best outcomes and highest quality services through the dedicated efforts of every team member.
  • To take care of our staff, offering them support to do their job and to protect them against abuse.
  • To employ a zero tolerance policy for all forms of abuse.
  • To provide our patients and staff with an environment which is safe and friendly.
  • To work in accordance with the law, regulations and principles of professional ethics and pay serious attention to our patients’ rights to their privacy.

Meet Our Team