Patient Information

Infection Control

Infection prevention and control is a priority for Medstar Clinic and we take numerous measures to minimise the risk of infection.

Infection Prevention and Control Team

The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) team works with all grades and disciplines of the staff within Medstar Clinic to promote the health and safety of patients, staff and visitors. This is chieved by minimising or eliminating the risk of transmission of infection. 

Our work includes:

  • Infection prevention and control advice
  • Education of staff
  • Management of infection
  • Audits
  • Surveillance
  • Development and implementation of IPC policies, procedures, and guidelines

Hand Hygiene 

Our doctors, nurses and all other staff who may examine you, or help care for you, are trained in the correct hand washing procedure to minimise the risk of infection. Hand sanitiser dispensers are also available in all clinic areas. Patients and visitors are reminded to use these sanitisers on entering and exiting the clinic. It is also important for everyone to wash their hands after using the toilet. If you are unable to utilise a sink for any reason, please ask one of our nurses for assistance.